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Bath and Wells MAT



Our Writing Intent

At St James Church School, we aim to support children to develop a love of writing whilst being able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly and creatively through the written word.

We strive to provide children with key transferrable writing and grammatical skills to build on each year in order to succeed as individuals.

As a school, we have created a skills progression document to support children with revisiting their prior learning, embedding new learning and have built-in opportunities to develop their cumulative knowledge and skills throughout their primary years.

Our skills progression is linked to quality texts, that are carefully chosen to teach specific skills, and throughout a teaching unit children have the opportunity to analyse the texts for features, embed their knowledge of these features through carefully chosen tasks and create their own final pieces of writing for an audience. 

Our children have opportunities to publish their writing and to celebrate their achievements. 

Please see our long term plan below. 
Writing Long Term Plan

Below are our skills progression documents for Year 1 - Year 6 highlight what the children will focus on in each term. Anything highlighted green is new to the year group and so will have a more in-depth focus. 

EYFS  writing progression.

