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Bath and Wells MAT


Application Information

In - Year Applications

We welcome enquiries from parents of students who require primary school education and are considering a transfer to St James Church School.  The Admission Limits for each of our current year groups are as follows:

The admission limits will be reviewed each term by the Admissions Committee. 

Year Group Admission Limit Currently on Roll
R 60 56
1 60 60
2 60 58
3 64 61
4 64 64
5 60 60
6 60


Should the school have a space in the year group required, the application for transfer should be made to the school by completing an In-Year Application form and returning it us either by email (enquiries@stjames.bwmat.org) or by post/hand. A letter will be sent to you from the school offering or refusing a place within ten school days of a completed application being received. 


The St James Admission Arrangements refer to the 'Supplementary Information Form' (SIF) in relation to meeting criteria as a Looked After Child in the reception intake - this form is not required to be completed because this information is obtained in the Common Application Form. Also note that the dates on the SIF are incorrect. This form has been removed from the website as it is not now needed.

Waiting List:

Please note that if we are at full capacity and your application is refused, we do hold a waiting list, however you do have the legal right to appeal against the decision.  When an admission is refused the child’s name will be entered onto a waiting list for that year group, which will be maintained by the Admission Authority until the end of the calendar year.

Appealing a Refusal:

This requires you to complete and return an appeal form, and set your case before an independent Appeal panel. Appeals are governed by the 2012 School Admission Appeals Code, issued by the Department for Education and this is available at www.education.gov.uk  

Appeals online form: https://tinyurl.com/yp6nxc8p

You are encouraged to refer to this document before proceeding with an appeal. The Admissions Authority will ensure that any appeal hearing takes place within 30 school days of receipt of a completed appeal form.

 Admission form for in year applications to St James Church School

In-Year Application Form

Appeal a school admissions decision If your application for a school place has been refused please select this link to find out more information about appeals. 

Applying for a place in Reception 

The Published Admission Number for entry to the Reception Year (PAN)

The admission number indicating the minimum number of places available in the Reception year is currently published as 60.

Children starting school for the first time in September (the ‘normal’ admissions round) will be admitted up to this PAN, without condition, in accordance with the School Admissions Code.

The Admissions Authority is entitled to increase the PAN at any time, where it determines that more places can be made available without prejudicing the efficient delivery of education or the efficient use of resources. Any increase to the PAN will be notified as an alteration to this statement.


Applying For a school place:

St James Glossary and Definitions (Appendix A)

Submitting your Admission Application Form or Appeal Form to the governors

Application Forms and Appeal Forms may be posted or hand delivered to the School Office or submitted as an attachment to an email. Please be aware that: By submitting your Application or Appeal Form as an email attachment, you are effectively agreeing in the same way that you would be if you signed the declaration in person. If you do not agree to this arrangement, please do not submit your application or appeal by email.

Appeals Timetable - BWMAT August 2024-2025

Appeals Timetable - BWMAT 2024-25

Applying for a school place 2023-2024

Somerset 2023-2024 Admission Arrangements.pdf

Somerset Admission Arrangements 2025-2026

Somerset 2025-2026 Admission Arrangements