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Bath and Wells MAT

Music curriculum coverage



Autumn 1 

Autumn 2 

Spring 1 

Spring 2 

Summer 1 

Summer 2 



Sing nursery rhymes, finger rhymes and simple action rhymes

Exploring pitch, rhythm, tempo and volume.

Listening and playing: Pitch

Exploring how high or low a sound is.

Tuned percussion instruments in continuous provision.

Listening and playing: Rhythm Exploring the sound pattern in music.

Play clapping games and clap out the syllable pattern in their name.

Listening and playing:Tempo

Exploring how fast or slow music is.

Explore singing games or rhymes that will lend themselves to ‘speeding’ up or slowing down.

Play games where children run fast when the pace of music quickens or walk slowly as it reduces.

Listening and playing:Tempo: Volume

Exploring how loud or quiet music is.

Play games where children make themselves smaller when you turn the volume down and bigger as the volume is increased.



Hum and Drum 

 singing games focusing on pulse using percussion 

Kapow - Vocal and body sounds (by the sea)

Singup: Menu Song Unit and The King is in the Castle 

Compose 1 


Singup: Down there under the Sea 

Singup: Who Stole my Chickens and my Hens 

Kapow - Classical music dynamics and tempo (animals)

Singup: Minibeasts 

Singup: As I was walking down the Street 

Exploring pitched and unpitched percussion 

Listening, playing and composing:

Kapow – under the sea

Singup: Compose 2 

Listen, play and compose: Flight of the Bumblebee 





London’s Burning 

Singup: Tony Chestnut 

Sing-a-song-a saurus 

Dinosaur Stomp 

Singup: Grandma Rap 

Singup: Rockpool Rock 

Singup: Tanczymy Labada 

Focus Instruments: 


Listen, play and compose: percussion: Boomwhackers

Kapow – On this island – British songs and sounds


Christmas music using Boomwhackers (Away in a Manger?) 

Kapow - Dynamics, timbre,tempo and motifs (space)

Listen, play and compose:

Kapow – Myths and legends

Singup: Compose 3 

Listen, play and compose:

Introduction to recorders

Listen, play and compose: Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals  




Disney’s Lava 

Singup: Chilled Out Clap Wrap 

Out of the Ark: Stone age to Iron age play 


Singup: I’ve been to Harlem 



Listen and explore: Revisit Boomwhackers: 

Kapow – creating compositions in  response to an animation

Recorders Charanga Unit 1 

Christmas Song 

Listen, play and compose: The Delia Derbyshire Doctor Who Theme (original by Ron grainer) 

Kapow – developing singing techniques - Vikings 


Easter Song 

Singup: Compose Just 3 notes 

Listening: Pink Panther theme 

Revisit percussion: Glockenspiels

Revisit percussion: Glockenspiels 

Kapow - Jazz



Harvest Samba 

Singup: This Little Light of Mine 


Singup: My Fantasy Football Team 

I Feel Good 





Samba music: Carnival

Revisit percussion: Drumming 

 Listening and composing: Sing-up Samba units 

Kapow – samba and carnival sounds and instruments


 Listen: compose and play with the Nutcracker 

Kapow -Adapting and transposing motifs - Romans


 Listen: compose and sing with music from James Brown (use building a grove sing-up composition unit) 



Sing up: ‘Keep the Home fires burning’ 



Singup: Kis Nay Baanyaa 

Tudor songs and Dance 





Listen: Play and Compose with The Lark ascending 

Kapow – Musical theatre



Listening: Playing and Composing with BBC Ten Pieces  

‘Earth’ Hans Zimmer 

‘Mars’ Gustuv Holst

Revisit percussion: Body percussion 

Kapow – Looping and remixing

Listen: Why we sing 
Singup: compose 1 songwriting 

Listen, play and compose:

Revisit percussion: Glockenspiels

Listening: playing and composing river music using Smetana’s The Moldau 

Kapow – composition notation (ancient Egypt)




Sing: Touch the Sky 


Viking saga songs  

Singup: Ain’t Gonna Let No body 


Composing and playing


Revisit percussion:: Bucket drums 

Christmas pieces for Concert 

Kapow – themes and variations (pop art) 

Listening, playing and composing: Stravinsky’s Fire bird 


Singup: compose 3 Ternary Form 

Listen: to You Are to Me Everything


Leavers’ performance

Kapow - Composing and performing a leavers’ song