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Bath and Wells MAT

Additional Instrument Lessons 

We are super proud of our additional instrument lessons here at St James. In addition to our whole class music lessons, children can chose to have small group and individual instrument lessons. We currently have children learning violin, piano, guitar, ukulele and rock band instruments but we are always happy to support children in learning other instruments if they have the desire. We have a music is for all approach and support all children to learn instruments of their choosing. These lessons are taught by Somerset Music, Taunton Music, Rocksteady and independent music tutors and are delivered on a weekly basis



 All children learn violin with Helen Morgan from Somerset Music in Year 4. They can then chose to have additional small group or 1:1 lessons once these have finished.








Rock Steady 

On Monday's Ryan Cross from rock steady holds group band lessons where children can learn to play keyboards, Electric guitar, bass guitar drums or vocals in small band group lessons. They focus on modern and commercial music.



Ukulele and Guitar

Andy Barratt from Taunton Music teaches Ukulele and Guitar at St James. Many of the children have taken or are working towards grade exams in these instruments. A very large number of the children who have taken one of these exams have received a merit of distinction.




We are super lucky to now have a piano teacher, Judith Church, starting in January 2022.